When starting her consulting business in 2021, Sara Wojcicki Jimenez, founder of KIND Consulting, wanted to get involved and help with projects that would be good for the community, but might be challenging to get across the finish line because of the complexities and scale of the project.
She told attendees at this month’s MICA program, “A Look Inside KIND Consulting & Marketing the SCHEELS Sports Park,” that the SCHEELS Sports Park developers (Steve Luker and Dirk McCormick) had been working so hard to bring this dream to reality, but she thought she could offer some assistance to help tell the story of the major transformation it could have in Sangamon County.
Sara said the developers worked for years to bring the SCHEELS Sports Park from concept to reality and it took a lot of coordination of governmental entities and private partnerships. As that hard work was being done, KIND Consulting helped coordinate with partners who had committed to the project to share “why,” they jumped in to help bring the project to the finish line. In addition, she says keeping the park top-of-mind by communicating about its progress regularly has helped keep partners and the public informed and engaged. Learn more about the project and becoming a partner or FAN of the Park.